Sunday, April 09, 2006

my iim-a xperience

Well......after so much pushing....i finally find time to write down one of my most memorable iim a interview....

Date : 13th mar
Time : 2:00p.m.
Venue : IIFT, Delhi....

Got up at 9:00 in the morning to be treated wid hot paranthas n an almost jug of milk (thts wat i ve got to take wen at home)......perfectly punjabi breakfast...
bt apart frm tht thr were a few more things in my tummy........ to be precise butterflies....... one of the biggest days in my i tried to remain calm..

A few hours later..... i had reached tht place.... IIFT....they have got a decent campus bt none of them seemed to know which way are the syndicate rooms whr we were to be interviewed (strange i thgt)

Nevertheless i followed a bunch of "suited-booted gentlemen" wid tense faces bt nevertheless smiling.......

As we entered the common rooms where we had to wait before the panels were decided and we despersed.......had an infinite no. of handshakes....n hellos

Was alloted panel no. and we dispersed to our alloted places......(again handshakes wid all the people in my panel...remember abhinav , avik , rishabh , gaurav,anoop +2 more guys)

I thgt people at an iim-a interview were supposed to be very serious bt i was wrong....all were totally chilled out guys and tht made me a lot more relaxed..

All were led to a semi-circular seating arrangement in a room.....where we were greeted by 3 very pleasant professors.......
1. One of them had an einsteinien kind of look wid unkempt hair....
2. Other was the humourous one.....
3. Third one was a serious guy....... bt very comforting

The case was regarding a famous restaurant panchvati....a chicken bone found in a jain thali...customer outraged....wat will u do...decent showing...came out wid bout 4-5 decent pts......pretty satisfied

I goofed up big time wid the summary.......wrote absolute crap.....

Then started the PI.............................

P1 : Hello Mudit, so i guess u must hav discussed the questions wid the people outside....
Me : yes sir.....quite a few

P1 : Wat did they tell u....
Me : sir. they told me u r asking ques on acads, hobbies....etc general stuff (tht was wat they were doin)

P2 : WAT general stuff....u mean nothin special bout IIM-A?????????????
Me : Sir, there were a few ques on the alumnus of iitd and iima...

P2 : ok then u must know .... tell me
Me : sir i m not from iitd....

P2 : still tell me
Me : sir iitd or iima

P2 : frm both
Me : Chetan Bhagat...... (y da hell did i say tht)

P1 : (outraged) is he a distinguished alumni ????????
Me : (smiles) he is distinguished in his own rght.....he may not write the most intellectual stuff but its fun to read nehow....

P1 : diff b/w famous and distinguished.....
Me : (lik a fool) famous is well known.....distinguishd.....who is respected also

P1: is abu salem distinguished
Me: (hell) no sir............. (smiles)

P1 : name a few books he has written.
Me: 5 pt someone and one night@call center

P1 : hav u read them....
Me : sir only 5 pt someone..

P1 : wat other books hav u read ?
Me: the google story by david vise (and then i added lik a fool) who is a pullitzer prize winner....(y in da blue hell did i say tht)

P1: ok now tht u ve pulled me into this..... is the pulltizer prize given to fiction also...
Me: not sure sir....

P2 : IS mr rabindranath tagore distinguished (pause) as chetan bhagat (smiles)Me : (Smiles)... sir he is more distinguished...

P3 debut) wen did he win the nobel prize for peace....
Me: sir i guess in the 1930's dont know the xact year...

P3 : wen did the nobel prizes originate....
Me : i think 1920's

P3: y u think thtMe: alfred nobel died somewhere tht time.....(both answers r wrong i just checked up tagore got it in 1913)

P1: Did tagore win it for peace....
Me: (feeling an idiot) no sir....i think it was literature (y da hell did i say i think)

P1: name an indian who has won a grammy award
Me : sir, Pt vishwa mohan bhatt.... he plays the veena

P1: hav u seen it
Me: no sir

P1 : starts laughin......P2,P3 join in I also join in lik a fool.............

P2 : hav u heard of AM in radios....
Me : yes sir...

P2 : xplain.....
Me: jumped to xlain using a paper.....

P2 : (cutting me short) ....... y do we use fm then
Me: sir it is a superior mod technique....hence better reception etc.....

P2 : ok tell me something about the ACM icpc... (one of my achievements)
ME: told

P2 : how many interantional teams
Me ; sir bout 10

P3 coming to ur hobbies ....... so u play the guitar.....
P1: and he hasnt seen a veena(laughs all around)

Me : join in the smiles
P3 : diff btw spanish and hawaiwan guitarme : tell them

P3: do u play classical stuff
Me : (hell no) no sir......i lik songs of a few bands....named a few

P1 : asks me a few easy ques on jal-band....answered them....
P3: take a toffee n all the best
Me : thx sir.....

All in all it was one of the best experiences i have ever had.....met a lot of gud people......immaterial of the result this will always remain in my mind.....